Terms and Conditions (Terms of Use)


1. Introduction

Welcome to the website of Alfa Beer, http://www.alfabeer.gr (hereinafter the “website”), belonging to the company “ATHENIAN BREWERY S.A.”, seated at 102, Kifissou Ave., Aigaleo 12241 Athens (hereinafter the “Company”). Our website offers information about our Company and our products. To enjoy all features offered by our website, you must be an adult. You can find more information about our policies in these Terms and Conditions, in the Privacy Policy (https://www.alfabeer.gr/privacy-policy/) and in the Cookies Policy (https://www.alfabeer.gr/cookies/). Please read these documents carefully.

The use of our website implies the full and unconditional acceptance of these Terms of Use, which apply to its entire content. Our Company reserves the right to amend and update these Terms of Use without notice at any time; any changes take effect upon being posted on our website. Following the posting of amendments, the use of our website implies the acceptance of such.


2. Content – Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights

The website http://www.alfabeer.gr is dedicated to providing information and services to website visitors/users, as well as to product sales. Our website contains texts, images and videos, photographs, logos, audio files (hereinafter collectively referred to as “content”). The website content – without any limitation thereon, unless otherwise stated in regard to specific third-party rights, is the intellectual and industrial property of the Company and is therefore protected by the relevant provisions of Greek, EU and international law.

Any use of the website content, other than for purely private purposes, requires the prior written consent of the Company. The same applies to any change, alteration, adaptation, translation and any other processing of the content, as well as to any transfer or disclosure thereof.

Subject to any provisions to the contrary in these Terms of Use, the Company grants users a limited license to access and use the website, pursuant to which users may use its content solely for personal, non-commercial purposes. No right of commercial use of the website or its content is granted. Failure to comply with these Terms will result in the automatic termination of the provided license of use without prior notice and the Company will therefore be entitled to prevent the user’s access.


3. Limitation of Liability

The information contained in this website has been reviewed and carefully collected. However, despite the Company’s efforts to ensure that the content and information of this website is complete, valid and accurate, the Company does not guarantee and is not liable for the accuracy of such information. Users use the website at their sole responsibility. The website content is provided to users as is, without any form of guarantee and, therefore, the Company is not bound, does not guarantee and does not assume any obligation or liability regarding the security thereof.

The Company, as far as possible, has taken all necessary security measures to protect the website against malicious software/viruses etc. The Company and the affiliates thereof or any other parties involved in the creation and delivery of the content of this website or generally in the operation thereof are not in any way liable for any damages, direct or indirect, subsequent, incidental or consequential, that may arise in relation to this website and concern the use or failure to use thereof, as well as any omission, inaccuracy, delay or failure of operation, online communications interception by third parties of by computer software used to transmit viruses and any other error or defects thereof.


4. Information provided by third parties – Link to third-party websites

Any information provided by third parties is an expression of said parties’ personal views. The Company is not responsible for such information.

This website may provide hyperlinks to other websites, which belong to third parties and are therefore not managed by the Company and the Company cannot intervene in the content thereof. Providers of these external websites bear full civil and criminal liability for the security and validity of the content and information contained therein. The Company does not guarantee the availability of such websites and is not responsible for the content, accuracy, legitimacy, completeness and accuracy of the information, nor for the quality and properties of the products or services provided by third-party websites. As a result, the Company has no liability for the content of any third-party websites linked to this website. Users connect to such external websites at their own responsibility and are in any case required to address directly the providers of such websites for any matter that may arise out of the visit and use thereof.


5. User behavior

The website must be used within the framework set out by law, good faith and moral conventions and in a way that does not restrict or prevent its use by third parties. Users of the website must comply with the rules and provisions of Greek, European and international law and refrain from any unlawful or abusive behavior that may affect other users and cause damage or malfunction of the website. In case of unlawful use or use contrary to these Terms and the relevant legal framework on behavior, users are obliged to indemnify the Company for any damage incurred as a result of the above actions.


6. Invalidity of provisions

In case one or more provisions included in these Terms of Use is found to be contrary to law and therefore invalid or void, said provision shall cease to apply without prejudice to the validity of the other terms.


7. Applicable Law & Jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions, as well as any amendments or additions thereto, are governed by Greek law. The courts of exclusive jurisdiction for any dispute that may arise out of the website use and the interpretation of these terms shall be the courts of Athens.


8. Communication

For any clarification and information regarding the use of the website, as well as any further information or request, users may address and contact the company “ATHENIAN BREWERY S.A.”, seated at 102 Kifissou Ave., Aigaleo 122 41 Athens, Telephone No. 801 22 20000.